

Performance of (students) learners on standardized measures and/or other indicators of learning are used to develop the PLAN.

Definition(s) and/or Explanation(s)

Learning goals:

  • are broad statements of long-range learning outcomes
  • reflect outcomes of the PLAN rather than a specific lesson
  • should be reasonably attainable within the length of the PLAN

Learning objectives:

  • should be clear statements of specific and observable learner outcomes
  • are mastered by learners so as to accomplish broader goals
  • should be referenced to the goal(s) in the PLAN
  • should be logically sequenced in a prioritized or hierarchical order, within and across lessons

Classroom Examples


Learners in a second grade class have wide ranging experiences and abilities. During the first week of school, the teacher is planning an initial nine week unit of teaching and learning. The unit includes objectives related to the development of work recognition , spelling, and reading comprehension skills. Because of the range of individual differences among learners, the teacher examines scores from a reading skills inventory administered to each learner at the end of first grade. Scores of learners are grouped by ranges reflecting high, middle, and low levels of reading mastery. Subsequently, teaching and learning activities for the unit are developed for each of the three groupings to accommodate the range of individual differences among learners in the class.


At the end of the first semester, learners in a middle school band class have different levels of mastery of reading sheet music and playing their instruments. As the second semester begins, the teacher is developing general learning goals and objectives for the band as a whole, and for each individual band member. The teacher selects appropriate pieces for each instrument from a standard music score (the end-of-spring semester concert) and individually rates each learner's performance level during the first week of the semester using a performance rating sheet. This information is subsequently used to assign different levels of music difficulty (i.e., first, second, third chair parts) to learners.