

Teaching and learning activities are referenced to goals and/or objectives, sequenced logically, and separated into components as needed.


Definition(s) and/or Explanation(s

Planned activities:

  • should include a combination of both teacher-directed and teacher-assisted activities
  • should provide learners with multiple opportunities to engage in activities that reflect lesson objectives
  • include a variety of teaching methods and learning tasks such as lecture/discussion, review, drill, skill application, small group discussion, independent learning, cooperative learning, problems-solving, discovery, etc.
  • should reflect a logical order of teaching and learning

Learning goals:

  • are broad statements of long-range learning outcomes
  • reflect outcomes of the PLAN rather than a specific lesson
  • should be reasonably attainable within the timeframe of the PLAN

Learning objectives:

  • should be clear statements of specific and observable learner outcomes
  • are mastered by learners so as to accomplish broader goals


  • are parts, steps, or elements of an activity

Classroom Examples


In a planned unit on voice, a third-grade music teacher includes the following objective on a daily lesson plan: Learners will be able to demonstrate the use of the five basic singing vowels when performing vocal music. As part of the lesson, the following activities are planned:

  1. Teacher explains and demonstrates the five singing vowel sounds.
  2. Learners practice, individually and in chorus, the five singing vowel sounds.
  3. Working in groups, learners identify and count the occurrences of the singing vowels in a selected piece of sheet music.
  4. Learners perform songs that incorporate the five basic singing vowels.

In a high school biology lab, the PLAN includes the following objective: Learners will be able to demonstrate how to use a microscope correctly. To accomplish this, the following sequence of activities is planned:

  1. The teacher uses an overhead projector to identify the parts of a microscope.
  2. The whole class engages in a 
    Q & A about the parts and functions of a microscope.
  3. The whole class discusses safety and care concerns.
  4. In small groups, learners practice correct placement of slides and focusing while the teacher monitors.
  5. The teacher demonstrates and directs discussion on identifying stained substances.
  6. Working in pairs, learners practice identifying stained substances.