

Supplemental activities are planned as needed.

Definition(s) and/or Explanation(s)

Supplemental Activities should:

  • arise from lesson objectives or unit goals
  • reinforce, enhance, and/or extend learning
  • be planned for learners who need extra help, who finish early, or are ready to advance
  • assist specific learners or learner groups to master lesson objectives or to enhance additional learning by maximizing time available for learning

Classroom Examples


  1. In a second-grade language arts unit on possessive nouns, the PLAN includes supplemental activities, such as identifying possessive nouns from newspapers, cartoons and comic books, or student magazines for early finishers and learners needing additional practice for mastery.
  1. Learning centers are planned and developed to provide additional learning opportunities and to address the needs of early finishers.

In an eleventh-grade journalism class, the PLAN includes the following goal: Learners will create and publish original essays and editorials. Publishing stations are created using classroom computers. Planned activities include allowances for early finishers to work on individual news articles or creative pieces which are then self selected for publication in the school newspaper, various district approved contests, and other such activities.