II. A. 1
Learning begins promptly.
Definition(s) and/or
Learning Activities:
- refer to all things teachers and
learners do in the classroom
- include teaching methods (what the
teacher does to enhance learning) and learning tasks
(objectives-related activities learners do)
- should begin with little time spent on
organizational activities that have nothing to do with learning (i.e.,
passing out supplies, roll taking, etc.)
Classroom Examples
- In a third-grade classroom, learners
returning from lunch quickly retrieve their reading material and
engage in a brief independent reading activity for the purpose of
identifying the main idea of the selected passage.
- Learners in a fourth-grade classroom, at
the beginning of a class, take a position at a computer station and
follow preselected math programs that expand upon the current math
In a tenth-grade social studies class,
learners entering the classroom immediately address in writing two starter
questions written on the classroom board. The first question reviews
content from the previous day's lesson while the second question leads
into the lesson of the day.
Upon entering a sixth-grade mathematics
class, learners move quickly to their seats, place home learning on their
desks, and begin solving warm-up problems on the board. The teacher
reviews the problems and the home learning.