Indicator II. A. 4 Learners engage in supplemental learning tasks ** OR** none are needed to fill the time allocated for learning. |
Definition(s) and/or
Explanations Supplemental learning tasks are activities that learners do to extend and enhance learning and should not be "busy work" or more of the same. |
Classroom Examples Elementary In a third-grade class, learners who finish assigned learning tasks early proceed to select activities related to current units of study such as writing a reflective piece, engaging in silent reading, or choosing to work in a learning center. The teacher monitors to ensure that all learners are engaged in relevant learning tasks. New Elementary In a first-grade language arts class, learners work on a lesson to identify nouns. The teacher has two class assignments for learners to work on individually. Learners who finish ahead of time immediately move to a center where they use magazines to cut out pictures of nouns and paste them according to person, place, or thing. The teacher displays the completed papers as a review for the class. Secondary