Indicator II.E.1
Definitions and/or Explanations Acceptable behavior refers to learners' attitudes and actions that are consistent with classroom rules, social norms, and/or teacher expectations. |
Classroom Examples ElementaryIn a second-grade science class, most learners raise their hands and wait to be called upon without teacher directions. On the few occasions when a learner calls out, the teacher refers the learner to posted classroom rules, or gently reminds learners as a whole of the expectations. Learners respond appropriately. Secondary During a twelfth-grade auto-mechanics class, two learners engage in inappropriate playing with equipment. The teacher reminds the two learners of the classroom rules and consequences established collectively at the beginning of the year and points out the visual display (poster) clearly listing these rules and consequences. The learners resume their work and the teacher continues to monitor. New Elementary and Secondary During the middle of a lesson, learners are working on a group activity when one learner in a team bursts out in laughter. The teacher calmly approaches quietly talks to the learner about appropriate classroom behavior. |