III. Teacher/Learner Relationships                                                                                                PACES



Learning is enhanced when positive interpersonal relationships are encouraged in a classroom environment where learners feel comfortable and accepted by the teacher and other learners. The teacher, through verbal and nonverbal behaviors, models enthusiasm and interest in learning, includes all learners in learning activities, and encourages active involvement.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 1


  1. Review Teaching and Learning Component III.A in the PACES Teaching and Learning Professional Growth Manual and this Teacher Guide to PACES.

  2. Observe several experienced colleagues in order to identify strategies for fostering courtesy, respect, warmth, friendliness, patience, and enthusiasm in the classroom. Take notes on suggested strategies and develop a list of several strategies you will implement in your classroom.

  1. Share the strategies with the Colleague Teacher for discussion and feedback.

Practical Application

  1. Use the list as a guide when implementing a daily plan and make a note of the strategies that were effective, those that were ineffective, and why.


  1. Share and discuss a written entry of the reflection with the Colleague Teacher or other member(s) of the PACES Professional Growth Team.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 2


  1. Review Teaching and Learning Component III.A in the PACES Teaching and Learning Professional Growth Manual and this Teacher Guide to PACES.

  2. Access chat rooms in a few education web sites recommended by colleagues, the District Office of Instructional Technology, or the listing in the PACES Web Site and engage colleagues in a discussion of strategies for encouraging positive interpersonal relationships in the classroom. Take notes on suggested strategies and develop a list of several strategies you will implement in your classroom.

  3. Share the strategies with the Colleague Teacher for discussion and feedback.

Practical Application

  1. Use the list as a guide when implementing a daily plan and make a note of the strategies that were effective, those that were ineffective, and why.


  1. Share and discuss a written entry of the reflection with the Colleague Teacher or other member(s) of the PACES Professional Growth Team.