III. Teacher/Learner Relationship                                                                                                PACES 



Learning equity is an important understanding that all learners must be provided opportunities to participate and engage in learning. These opportunities should be provided for each learner in all contexts, activities, and group sizes. It is important to recognize that each learner needs access to learning opportunities and that diversity and individual differences among learners are considered and addressed (I.A.3, I.B.2, I.D.2, I.E.2, I.F.4).

Sample Professional Growth Activity 1


  1. Review Teaching and Learning Component III.B in the PACES Teaching and Learning Professional Growth Manual and this Teacher Guide to PACES.

  2.  Visit the classroom of the Colleague Teacher as well as other classrooms recommended by the Colleague Teacher in order to observe a variety of techniques that encourage opportunities for all learners to participate in classroom activities.

Practical Application

  1. Select several techniques observed and incorporate into a week-long lesson plan.

  2.  Implement the strategies in your classroom and observe the learners during this implementation.


  1. Share and discuss a written entry of the reflection with the Colleague Teacher or other member(s) of the PACES Professional Growth Team a summative report of the experience.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 2


  1. Review Teaching and Learning Component III.B in the PACES Teaching and Learning Professional Growth Manual and this Teacher Guide to PACES.

  2.  In collaboration with the Colleague Teacher, prepare a one-day lesson plan in which you incorporate strategies that provide learners with ample opportunity to participate and engage in learning.

Practical Application

  1. Implement the planned lesson.


  1. Share the results of implementation with the Colleague Teacher for discussion and feedback.

  2.  Engage in written self-assessment/reflection.