

Learners are engaged and/or involved in initial reviews of past, relevant learning to ensure readiness for new learning as appropriate.

Definition(s) and/or Explanation(s)


  • suggests more than simple on-task behavior

  • is active; implies more than passive involvement and responding minimally to the demands of a learning task

  • Involvement:

    • suggests even deeper immersion in learning than engagement

    • is enhanced when learners interact with each other in learning tasks


    • can consist of learners being reminded about an earlier lesson

    • can be conducted by asking a few structured, probing questions before beginning a new learning task

    • assess prerequisite skills to determine learners’ readiness for learning

    • are conducted as appropriate

    Classroom Examples


    In a second grade elementary physical education class, through demonstration learners review the previously learned skill of jumping in unison in preparation for a lesson on how to do jumping jacks in unison.


    1. Before beginning a writing task, students in a tenth-grade English II class review the five steps involved in the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.

    2. In preparation for charting the socio-economic and political reasons for explorations, students in a ninth-grade world history class recount significant explorations and explorers.
