Directions necessary to implement learning
tasks are clear and complete.
and/or Explanation(s)
Learning Tasks:
are activities in which
learners are engaged/involved that broaden their understanding of
content, topics, ideas, and/or integration/coordination of skills.
vary from simple drill and
practice to more complex tasks such as constructing creative solutions
to problems through the generation and discussion of ideas.
Classroom Examples
Learners are
asked to restate the steps necessary to paint a self portrait using
paper and finger paint. The teacher monitors responses, clarifies as
necessary, and directs learners to begin the activity.
materials are displayed on a table. Learners are asked to observe
carefully as the teacher demonstrates how the materials are to be used
in a sequence. The teacher then solicits demonstrations from selected
learners, monitor their responses and the attention of other learners,
and then gives directions to begin the activity.
In a fifth-grade science
class the teacher uses over-sized flash cards to list the steps to follow
in order to complete a lab activity. After giving these directions, the
teacher scrambles the flash cards and asks for volunteers to place
the flash cards in the correct order. Once the cards are placed in the
correct order, they are posted on the wall for all to consult.
In a French class,
the teacher asks learners if the understand their roles with a partner
in an activity to write a short scenario in French about interpersonal
communications between two strangers who might meet for the first time
on a street in Paris. One learner is American and the other learner is
French. The teacher solicits comments from high and low ability
learners, checks for understanding, and then initiates the activity.
In response to the
teacher's directions, learners enrolled in Chorus I demonstrate
appropriate poise for musical performances.
Elementary and
Learners are given
directions to complete a task using several formats:
- Directions are visible on the board.
- Teacher verbally explains the steps for the task.
- Several learners rephrase the task in sequence.