IV: ENHANCING AND ENABLING LEARNING                                                                                         PACES


IV.B Teaching Methods and Learning Tasks

Teaching methods are procedures and techniques used by the teacher to enhance learning. A learning task is a goal-directed or objectives-related activity engaged in by learners to enhance learning. To enhance learning, teachers employ methods that facilitate the achievement of planned objectives (I.A.1), encourage learner interest, engagement and involvement, and accommodate individual differences among learners (I.B.2).

Sample Professional Growth Activity 1


  1. Research effective teaching methods and valuable learning tasks by reading applicable professional journals and/or searching for ideas on the Internet.

  2. Collaborate with the Colleague Teacher or other member(s) of the PACES Professional Growth Team (PGT) to develop a list of appropriate teaching methods and learning tasks for an upcoming unit.

Practical Application

  1. Develop a unit plan that incorporates some of these teaching methods and learning tasks.

  1. Select and videotape one lesson from the unit.

  1. Meet with the Colleague Teacher or other member(s) of the PACES Professional Growth Team (PGT) to view the videotaped lesson and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the implemented lesson. Assess the effectiveness of the chosen strategies in enhancing and enabling learning.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 2


  1. Visit the classroom of a more experienced colleague to observe teaching methods and learning tasks.

Practical Application

  1. Incorporate one or more of the preferred teaching methods into a daily lesson plan.


  1. Invite the Colleague Teacher or other member(s) of the PACES Professional Growth Team (PGT) to observe and assess the lesson and provide specific feedback on the teaching methods and learning tasks that best facilitate achievement for learners.

  1. Review the colleague's observations, and write a self reflection in your teaching log.