of teaching aids
materials is appropriate for learning activities and enhances learning.
Definition(s) and/or Explanation(s)
Teaching Aids
are used by the teacher to
enhance the effectiveness of learning activities
include typical elements of
the learning environment such as chalkboards, overhead transparencies,
globes, maps, microscopes, and computers
include supplemental aids
such as additional equipment, posters, extra books, newspapers, and
help accommodate individual
differences among learners
motivate learners to engage
in accompanying learning tasks, enhance learning, and broaden learners’
Learning materials:
enhance the effectiveness of
learning activities
include, but are not limited
to, textbooks, computers, microscopes, and items in the media center
Classroom Examples
In a fifth-grade
mathematics class on measurement, the teacher demonstrates the use of a
ruler and yarn to measure the distance between cities on a map and then
to calculate the distance according to the scale. As different
measurements are made, the teacher asks learners several questions to
check for understanding. Subsequently, learners do a similar activity
that shows they understand.
Learners in a
second-grade percussion/rhythm music class demonstrate appropriate
placement of hands and movements using a variety of instruments.
The teacher demonstrates
for learners how to use an appropriate Internet search engine to find
information to be included in a report on a current event. As the search
engine is demonstrated, the teacher asks several questions to check for
understanding of procedural steps to be followed. Learners subsequently
work in pairs and are successful in using the search engine to find
information for their current event topics.
IIn an Orchestra II
class, learners show use of different and correct fingering for the
various types of instruments which they play.
New Secondary In
an interdisciplinary unit on French cuisine, learners in a French class
practice the vocabulary for the ingredients and utensils for making crepes
displayed on the table. Learners watch as the teacher reviews the steps
involved in making crepes. The teacher demonstrates the steps. The learners
then use the appropriate utensils and ingredients, make the batter then
lightly pan fry the crepes.