

Learner completion of learning tasks is monitored.







Definition(s) and/or Explanation(s)

Learning Tasks

  • are objectives-related activities planned for learners

  • should be sequenced logically

  • should accommodate the range of individual differences among learners

  • should enhance learning


  • soliciting responses from a variety of learners in the class to ascertain that the paces of learning is neither too fast nor too slow, towards the end of the learning task
  • scanning around the room near the end of the learning task


Classroom Examples


In a first-grade language arts lesson, learners pair-off to complete a learning task on developing tongue twisters. Towards the end of the lesson, the teacher monitors as learners recite their tongue twisters; and the teacher checks that the assignment’s requirements have been met.


At the end of a handwriting lesson on connecting letters, learners assess their own work by using a model. The learners draw a star on their best connecting letters in each line. As the learners assess their own work, the teacher moves throughout the room, monitoring and asking for learner feedback on their performance.


At the end of a cooperative group discussion on mathematical properties (commutative, associative, and distributive), each group’s reporter presents the group’s definitions to the class. The teacher and the class critique for clarity and understanding.