I. PLANNING FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING                                                                                 PACES


I.B Teaching Methods and Learning Tasks

Activity refers to all that teachers and learners do in the classroom. A method is a technique or procedure planned for use by a teacher to enhance learning. A learning task is an objectives-related activity planned for learners. Teaching and learning activities encompass both teaching methods and learning tasks. Activities planned should be consistent with learning objectives, should be sequenced logically, should accommodate the range of individual differences among learners, and should enhance learning.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 1

  1. Identify a learning goal and corresponding objectives consistent with the Sunshine State Standards and the Competency-Based Curriculum for your grade/subject area.
Practical Application
  1. Develop a series of lesson plans designed to meet the objectives and goal(s), making certain that the teaching methods and learning tasks planned are consistent with the indicators in this Teaching and Learning Component.
  2. Review your ideas with the Colleague Teachers and modify the plan as necessary.
  1. Summarize in writing the reasons for your choice of activities and then discuss these with the Colleague Teachers. 

Sample Professional Growth Activity 2

  1. Choose any Benchmark(s) in your subject area from the Sunshine State Standards.
  2. Perform an Internet search (ask colleagues for possible web sites, or use the M-DCPS web site or a list of PACES recommended web sites) for teaching and learning activities that would facilitate meeting the objective for the chosen Benchmark(s).
Practical Application
  1. Identify a set of activities and collaborate with a colleague in developing a short series of lessons that would support the Benchmark(s) and meet the indicators for this Teaching and Learning Component.
  1. Meet with the Colleague Teachers for assessment and modification.