


Activities are planned that enable the development of thinking abilities among learners.

Definition(s) and/or Explanation(s)

Planned activities should:

  • include both teacher-directed and teacher-assisted activities
  • provide learners with multiple opportunities to engage in activities that reflect lesson objectives
  • include a variety of teaching methods and learning tasks such as: lecture/discussion, review, drill, skill application, small group discussion, independent learning, cooperative learning, problem-solving, discovery, etc.
  • reflect a logical order of teaching and learning

Thinking skills include:

  • generating, structuring, restructuring, transferring, and transforming knowledge.
  • matching, transferring, and analyzing information

Please note:
Learning is enhanced when the teacher deliberately plans teaching and learning activities that involve learners in the development of thinking skills.

Classroom Examples


In a fifth-grade geometry unit, the PLAN includes activities designed to extend and apply previous learning to new contexts. One activity is planned in which the learners are assembled into small groups and directed to find a number of square and rectangular items in the classroom, and to calculate the area of each item. The learners, synthesizing knowledge gathered from previous lessons, select the standard units appropriate for each item to be measured.

In an English unit on figurative language in literature , the PLAN includes the following activities designed to increase learners' knowledge of the use of metaphor:

  1. The teacher directs a discussion of the metaphor in literature.
  2. Working in small groups, learners identify and discuss the meaning of metaphors in two short stories.
  3. The class, as a whole group, engages in discussion.