IV: ENHANCING AND ENABLING LEARNING                                                                                         PACES


IV.A Initial Motivation to Learn

This teaching and learning component focuses only on the beginning of a lesson and/or the beginning of activities within a lesson. Capturing learner attention and clearly communicating the purpose and importance of learning content and activities so that learners understand, are important elements of the teaching and learning process. In addition, providing a framework or context for learning helps learners structure new learning and integrate past, present, and future learning. Effective initiation includes motivation to learn and sufficient task structure. Effective initiation also maximizes the efficiency of the time allocated for learning (II.A.1, II.A.3). In some teaching and learning contexts repeated attempts may be needed to enhance initial motivation to learn.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 1


  1.  Working collaboratively with the Colleague Teacher or other member(s) of the PACES Professional Growth Team, identify five strategies which enable the teacher to gain the attention of a learner for the introduction of a new activity or lesson.

  2. Identify ways in which expectations can be clearly communicated to the learners e.g., sample assignments, course outlines, performance checklists.

Practical Application

  1. Develop a one-day lesson plan which incorporates at least two strategies to gain learner attention, sets up the lesson contextually, as well as clearly communicating the unit expectations.

  2. Implement the strategies in your classroom, and observe the learners.

  1. Share and discuss a written entry of the reflection with the Colleague Teacher or other member(s) of the PACES Professional Growth Team.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 2


  1. Research current literature, either printed or via the Internet to create a bank of ideas for ensuring learner attention.

  2. Devise a format for the cataloguing of such ideas for easy reference, e.g., a physical or computerized index of ideas.

Practical Application

  1. When developing unit plans, state at the beginning of each introductory lesson the planned method for gaining the learners’ attention.


  1. Keep a journal and rate each method in the idea bank, as it is used.

  1. Share and discuss the journal with the Colleague Teacher or other member(s) of the PACES Professional Growth Team.