

Learners have opportunities to learn at more than one cognitive and/or performance level or to integrate knowledge and understandings.





Definition(s) and/or Explanation(s)

Cognitive and/or performance levels:

  • extend from simple to complex levels of thinking

  • include perceiving, attending, reasoning, and intuiting

  • reflect the range of developmental and ability characteristics of learners and the range of learning outcomes

Classroom Examples


Learners in a fifth-grade literature class read a chapter from their literary piece, choose any seven vocabulary words, then write clues for a crossword puzzle or word search. All clues relate to the context of the text.


Learners in an Acting I class pantomime scenes while classmates guess and describe the scenes depicted. The mime responds to the accuracy of each guess.


Elementary and Secondary

Learners in a language arts class recite a poem. Working in cooperative groups, they compare and contrast the poem to other works by the same author. To conclude the activity, learners individually interpret the poem in their journal.

Elementary and Secondary

In a math class, learners are given the opportunity to use color tiles to calculate the area of different objects before proceeding to more abstract calculation with paper and pencil. The teacher circulates among learners to assist as needed.