IV: ENHANCING AND ENABLING LEARNING                                                                                         PACES


IV.E Clarification of Content/Learning Tasks

Monitoring and addressing minor misunderstandings about content and learning tasks are important to prevent learner confusion. Clarification is necessary after confusion occurs. Before attempting to clarify, a teacher identifies areas of confusion and/or the need for assistance or alteration of a lesson by observing learners’ verbal and nonverbal cues. Demonstrations and/or examples are used before learners ask questions. The teacher probes for the basis of misunderstanding and uses redefinitions and a variety of examples to clarify content and/or learning tasks for learners as needed. Learners might also clarify their own confusion or the confusion of other learners. If there is no misunderstanding or confusion, standards for all four indicators in Component IV.E have been met. In some teaching and learning contexts clarification may not be readily observed and confusion may persist.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 1


  1. Reflect with the Colleague Teacher and/or other member(s) of the Professional Growth Team about effective techniques which may be used to reduce misunderstandings and confusion among learners. Discuss verbal and nonverbal cues you would use to ascertain misunderstandings or confusion among your learners.

Practical Application

  1. Incorporate agreed-upon suggestions, as appropriate, in a series of lessons.

  2. Throughout the lesson, elicit feedback from learners as to their level of understanding.

  1. Assess in writing the effectiveness of the strategies used.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 2


  1. Using professional journals and/or web sites recommended by the Colleague Teacher and/or other member(s) of the Professional Growth Team, research learner confusion and clarification strategies.

Practical Application

  1. Invite the Colleague Teacher and/or other member(s) of the Professional Growth Team to observe as you implement various strategies in a series of learning activities.


  1. Meet with observer to discuss results of observation and obtain feedback.

  2. Record in writing your self-assessment of the experience.