IV: ENHANCING AND ENABLING LEARNING                                                                                         PACES


IV.D Resources for Learning

Knowledge of content and pedagogy implies that different teaching and learning contexts require different topics, teaching methods, and learning tasks. It is more than simply knowing the subject matter. Thus, activities appropriate for teaching and learning elementary mathematics are not the same as those for high school history or middle school music because the knowledge to be learned in these contexts is quite different. Pedagogy refers to a broad range of teaching and learning activities. The concern in this component is pedagogy as it links to the content taught and learned.

Whatever the context, learning is enhanced when information is timely, accurate, and current. Differentiating content at more than one cognitive level, structuring frameworks for knowledge, and emphasizing important elements of subject matter and learning tasks also enhance learning. The manner in which these teaching and learning elements occur varies from one assessment context to the next. In some teaching and learning contexts more than one cognitive level may not be observed.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 1


  1. Utilizing resources such as the Internet Site for the Florida Department of Education (https://www.firn.edu/doe), teachers will research the Sunshine State Standards for their particular subject area/grade level.

  2. The teacher will review the Competency Based Curriculum for the development of learner expectations and the basis from which the content level will be developed.

  3. After determining the level of subject area content knowledge required for the unit to be taught, the teacher will review additional printed resources to develop a personal level of comfort with knowledge of the subject area to be taught.

Practical Application

  1. The teacher will utilize the information gained from the research to support the unit plans with current, up-to-date content-area knowledge.

  1. As the subject area content is presented, the teacher will engage is self-assessment/reflection.

Sample Professional Growth Activity 2


  1. To facilitate the learner’s mastery of knowledge at more than one cognitive level, the teacher will research and become familiar with the cognitive levels set forth in Bloom’s Taxonomy of Higher Order Thinking Skills.

  2. The teacher will research the concept of cognitive levels using an Internet search engine and the key words "Higher Order Thinking Skills."

Practical Application

  1. The teacher will formulate questions related to the subject/content area which fall into the different levels of cognition. Sample questions will be included in the plan.


  1. During a period of reflection, following the lesson, the teacher will journal the learners’ responses/reactions to the higher order leveled queries.